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Saturday, May 18, 2024


2:00 PM





Will You Remember Me?

Colleen Cove has been caring for people with Alzheimer's all her life. Now in the 45th year of her career, the demands of the job are pulled into sharp focus at the bedside of her oldest patient, a 100 year old opera singer named Lucille. In this deeply emotional witness to Lucille's final moments, Colleen reflects on her uniquely intimate relationship with death, and Lucille shares her gift with the world for the last time.

About the Director

Will Dowler is a filmmaker, video artist, and entrepreneur from Connecticut. Drawn to the universal themes of loss, hope, and change, his work seeks to uncover the inherent poetry found in everyday life. "Will You Remember Me?" is his most ambitious documentary project to date produced under his production company, Montamat. He pursued higher education at Syracuse University and graduated with a BFA in Film & Television from the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD).

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